Berry Breakfast Buns
- 2 cups of fresh mixed berries- I used raspberries, blueberries and blackberries
- Zest of one lemon
- Pillsbury Grand Crescent Rolls
- ½ cup sugar
- ½ cup powdered sugar
- lemon juice
- Spray a muffin pan with non stick spray and preheat oven to 350. In a medium bowl, gently mix berries, sugar and lemon zest. Roll out crescent rolls and press seams together. Spread berries over the dough and gently roll up. Cut into 8 equal pieces. Place each piece, cut sides up and down in a well of the muffin pan. Bake for 14-17 minutes or until golden brown. While they are cooking,whisk together powdered sugar and on tablespoon lemon juice and more if necessary until it is toothpaste consistency. Remove from buns from oven and run a knife around the edges. Drizzle glaze over the muffins. **HINT- I put the glaze in a mini ziplpoc bag and cut a tiny hole in the corner and then drizzle over the buns. It makes it look nicer